Entries by [email protected]


The Ultimate Postpartum Survival Plan

The word ‘postpartum’ seems to have a negative connotation these days.  If you google ‘postpartum’ the first few pages are all about postpartum depression and other health-related issues. It’s wonderful that these issues are being talked about but postpartum is so much more than depression and anxiety.  The word ‘postpartum’ means the time period just […]

Do you need a birth plan?

A birth plan can mean a better birth experience.  Giving birth is one of life’s most exciting events.  Having a game-plan for baby’s arrival can help make your experience more positive.  This game-plan is what’s called your ‘birth plan’. You can never be completely in control of your labour and delivery (childbirth is generally a […]

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The Ultimate Hospital Bag Checklist

You’ll be surprised at how many things you need to take with you to the hospital. Our handy checklist for your hospital bag will ensure you arrive prepared for everything and anything, with a few pampering extras too… Hospital Bag for Mom: Labour and Delivery Medical notes and birth plan (if you have one) Bathrobe […]

Happy Bladder, Happy Life

How to have a happy bladder in three easy steps When you laugh, cough, sneeze or even change positions do you pee a little?  You’re not alone, 50-60% of all pregnant women leak urine during pregnancy. First trimester: Frequent urination is one of the first signs of pregnancy for many women. In addition to hormonal […]

The Stress of Pregnancy

Managing our Tangled Relationship with Stress Pregnancy is a time of many changes – your body, your emotions and your future are all changing.  You may embrace these changes, but they can add new stresses to your life. Feeling stressed is very common during pregnancy.  The good news, some stress is healthy. But too much […]

Maternity Wardrobe Staples You Should Own by the Second Trimester

Never have that “I-have-nothing-to-wear-I-hate-everything” moment this pregnancy. Even if you don’t agree with needing maternity clothes by the second trimester, we doubt most women would say no to a pair of pants that fit that growing bump just right, or a bra that’s comfortable all day and night, long.  These essentials will help you conquer […]